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The Complete Guide to Lehenga Dry Cleaning at Home

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Your lehenga is a work of art that requires the highest care because of its beautiful colors and detailed needlework. It is more than just a dress. Even while it’s usually advised to have your clothes professionally dry cleaned, there are situations when a do-it-yourself solution is more practical. Do not fear! Dry cleaning your lehenga at home can be done successfully with a little care and knowledge. This is your all-inclusive guide to making sure your gorgeous clothing looks brand new.

Recognising the Fabric of Your Lehenga

It’s important to know the fabric of your lehenga before beginning the dry cleaning process. Various fabrics demand distinct maintenance, and a universal solution may have unintended consequences. If you are unsure of the fabric of your lehenga, check the care label or conduct a brief internet search. Cotton, silk, velvet, and georgette are examples of common textiles.

Compile Your Materials

1. Gentle Cleaner

Choose a mild detergent that won’t harm your clothes. Strong detergents and bleach should not be used since they can harm your lehenga’s delicate fibers.

2. Chilled Water

When it comes to keeping your lehenga’s color and texture intact, cold water is your friend. Hot water has the potential to harm some textiles and causes colors to bleed.

3. A gentle cloth or brush

Use a soft brush or cloth to dab or massage the soiled area lightly when doing any spot cleaning. To avoid damage, do not scrape too hard.

4. White Balm

If your lehenga has an odour, white vinegar can be your saving grace. For the last rinse, add a cup of white vinegar to help neutralise any residual odours.

5. Swelling Towels

Keep soft, absorbent towels handy to dab away any remaining moisture from your lehenga. The cloth may get twisted or wrung out, which will change its shape.

6. Laundry bag mesh

To preserve any delicate stitching or embellishments on your lehenga after washing, think about putting it in a mesh laundry bag.

Spot Cleaning: How to Handle Stains

Determine the Spot:

Ascertain the sort of stain you are working with because various stains could need different treatments.

Take immediate action to stop the stain from settling.

Light Dabbing:

Use a sponge or soft cloth to blot the stain gently. Steer clear of rubbing as this could exacerbate the stain and rip the fabric.

Gentle Cleaning Solution:

To make a soapy solution, use a tiny amount of mild detergent with cold water.

Using a fresh cloth, gently dab the stained area after applying the solution.

Thoroughly Rinse

Use cold water to rinse the stained area in order to get rid of any soap residue.

Examine the stain and repeat the procedure if needed.

Hand Cleaning Your Saree

Fill a basin or bathtub:

Pour cold water into a sanitized tub or basin. Make sure there’s sufficient water to submerge your lehenga completely.

Use a Light Detergent:

To the water, add a tiny bit of mild detergent. In order to make a mild soap solution, swirl the water.

Immerse Your Gown:

To make sure the entire lehenga is soaked, submerge it in the soapy water and gently press it down.

Modest Excitation:

To simulate the mild cycle of the washing machine, gently stir the water with your hands.

Take a Dip:

Give your lehenga ten to fifteen minutes to soak. During this period, use your fingertips to gently rub any dirty areas.

Thoroughly Rinse

Replace the tub’s water with fresh, cold water after draining the soapy water.

To remove the detergent, gently stir the water.

If necessary, repeat:

Rinse your lehenga again until the water flows clear if it still feels soapy.

Drying Your Lehenga to Get Rid of Extra Water:

Wring or twist your lehenga; instead, gently press the water out.

To absorb more moisture, lay your lehenga on a fresh, dry towel and roll it up.

Laying Flat:

Spread out your lehenga on a fresh, dry cloth. After reshaping it to its original shape, let it air dry.

Stay out of the direct sun:

Direct sunshine can degrade colours, even though it can aid in drying. Select an indoor or shaded drying area.

Suspended Options:

To save the shape of your richly embroidered lehenga, think about putting it on a padded hanger.

Keep it away from sources of heat:

Keep your lehenga away from radiators and heaters as heat can deteriorate some types of fabric.

Final Details: Steam Remove Wrinkles:

To gently remove any wrinkles from your lehenga, use a handheld steamer. To avoid making direct contact with the fabric, keep a safe distance.

Gentle Ironing:

If ironing is required, use the lowest heat setting and shield your lehenga from direct contact with the iron by placing a clean towel between them.


When your lehenga is totally dry, put it in a fresh cotton sheet to keep it dust-free or store it in a breathable garment bag.

You may take the necessary care of your lehenga without having to hire a dry cleaner by following these procedures. Recall that maintaining the elegance of your festive dress requires time and cautious handling.

Sustaining Lehenga Brilliance Over Time

Frequent Examinations:

Check your lehenga frequently for any loose threads, missing embellishments or wear indicators. By taking care of these problems right once, you can avoid more harm and maintain the flawless appearance of your clothing.

Care Specific to Fabric: 

Various textiles require varying levels of attention. Learn about the particular requirements of the fabric—cotton, silk, georgette, or velvet—that makes up your lehenga. With this knowledge, you may be sure to use the best cleaning and maintenance methods.

Occasional Professional Cleaning: 

Although home maintenance is great, professional dry cleaning can occasionally provide a deeper clean. Expert cleaners know how to take care of delicate materials and elaborate decorations, so your lehenga will get a thorough cleaning without losing its integrity.

Emergency Advice for Frequently Occurring Colour Bleeding:

Stop washing your hands right away if you see any colour bleeds. To aid in setting the colours and stopping additional bleeding, soak your lehenga in cold water mixed with a cup of white vinegar.

Oil Stains: 

To treat oil stains, apply cornflour or talcum powder to the affected area and leave it there for a few hours. The oil will be absorbed by the powder, making it simpler to remove. Spot cleaning should be done after, as previously indicated.

Friction on Ornaments:

To iron decorations that have wrinkles, cover them with a fresh towel and use the lowest setting. To avoid damaging the decorations, keep the iron away from direct contact with them.

Handling Smelly Smells:

Put your lehenga in an area with good ventilation or direct sunlight if it starts to smell musty. To eliminate any residual smells, you can also add activated charcoal or a sachet of dried lavender to the storage area.

Adopting Eco-Friendly Habits

Sustainable Detergents: When cleaning your lehenga, use eco-friendly detergents. These detergents are less damaging to the environment and the cloth.

Air Drying: 

To lessen your carbon footprint, opt for air drying rather than machine drying. It not only saves energy but is also kinder to your lehenga.

Repurposing Old Lehengas: 

Repurpose your old lehengas to create brand-new clothing or accessories rather than letting them collect dust in your wardrobe. This eco-friendly method not only cuts down on trash but also revitalizes your clothing.

Making Memories Every Time You Wear It

Your lehenga is a container of memories sewn into its fabric, not merely a dress. Every event it graces adds a new chapter to its tale. Its beauty may be preserved and it will be a part of your happy celebrations for many years to come if you take the time and care to maintain it.

When it comes to holiday fashion, the adventure doesn’t stop with the purchase—it also includes the maintenance and love you give your prized items. As you adhere to these rules, keep in mind that your lehenga’s durability is a reflection of the timeless craftsmanship and tradition it symbolises. Wear it proudly, then, since you are not simply wearing it.

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